10 Smart Ways to Conserve Energy in Your Home

In a world where electricity is a valuable and limited resource, it is important to use it efficiently. This will not only help preserve the environment but it will also help you save significantly in terms of energy bills. If you are tired of paying hefty electric bills that are draining your money, worry no more! In this blog, we have some simple strategies and tricks you can use to reduce your electricity costs without compromising your comfort.   

Spend less on your energy bills with the following tips

1. Do an Electricity Audit   

Before implementing any electricity-saving habit, get an overall picture of how much power you are using. To do an audit, use an online auditing tool or download an auditing app. For better results, it is good to hire a professional who will do the work precisely. Once you’ve finalized your electricity audit, it will be easy to identify areas where you could reduce your energy usage.   

2. Have Controlled Lighting   

Do you know that turning the lights off when you leave a room can reduce your electricity bill? However, other than flipping a switch to make energy savings, there is more you can do. One of the things you can do is replace your light bulbs with energy-saving compact fluorescent bulbs (CFLs) or light-emitting diodes LEDs). After investing in these bulbs, you will start seeing results in no time.   

While the price of a CFL lightbulb is much higher than that of a standard bulb, after using it for nine months, the bulb will recover its losses in energy use. The bulb will save you a lot of money. However, a LED bulb is even better. Not only is a LED bulb 85% more energy efficient than a standard bulb, but it also lasts 20 to 25 times longer. Therefore, invest in CFL light bulbs or LED bulbs to conserve energy in your home.   

3. Upgrade Your Appliances   

Another trick you can use to reduce electricity costs is replacing your old appliances. When shopping for new appliances, opt for the energy-efficient ones. The appliances should have an Energy Star label. Models with an Energy Star label have reduced energy consumption compared to the standard ones. While investing in energy-efficient appliances might be expensive upfront, they will save you a lot of money on your monthly power bills.   

4. Optimize Your Fridge   

There are several tricks you can use to optimize your fridge’s energy efficiency. Some of them include:   

  • Ensure the coils are dust-free to prevent up to 30% of energy wastage   
  • Ensure your fridge is away from heat sources to facilitate enough ventilation. It should have at least two inches of space on all sides  
  • Reduce fridge openings   
  • Maintain good door seals to prevent cold air from seeping away and warm air from entering  
  • Always allow hot food to cool before refrigerating, and cover liquids to prevent moisture release that can strain the compressor  
  • Adjust the thermostat to maintain a temperature between 3 and 5.5 degrees. This will help avoid cooler settings that increase energy usage  

With these tricks, you will cut down on your electricity cost and have yourself an eco-friendlier home.   

5. Optimize Water Heating   

Water heating is a major energy consumer in most homes. Without optimized water heating in your home, your energy bill will always be higher every month. Optimization can be done by minimizing hot water usage, investing in an energy-efficient heater, lowering the heater’s thermostat, and insulating the heater.   

If you want to invest in a new heater, it is good to look for a model that suits your needs. For instance, if you have a small family, you can opt for a tankless water heater because it is energy efficient. However, this type is not for large families because of its limited capacity. For the best experience, look for a heat pump heater because it is energy-efficient and suitable for any home.    

6. Configure Your Thermostat  

Heating your home is another activity that uses a lot of electricity. However, you can minimize energy usage by learning new tricks on how to use your thermostat wisely. You can lower the thermostat to just two degrees. This can help save energy while still ensuring your home is well-heated.   

To save time and money, consider investing in a smart thermostat that adjusts automatically to your desired temperature. Also, ensure the thermostat is positioned in the right place. It should not be placed in direct sunlight or near a warm position because its temperature can be altered, and this will spike your electricity bill. Position the thermostat on an interior wall near the center of your home, away from windows, direct sunlight, hallway, kitchen, or doors.   

7. Conserve Energy While Ironing   

Ironing clothes is another task that uses a lot of energy, especially when done every day. To make ironing a more energy-efficient task, set aside one day a week for the job. First, you have to sort all the clothes and begin with the ones that need less ironing power and gradually work your way up to the hardest to iron.   

This method not only saves you time but also minimizes electrical consumption. Also, you can turn off the iron box about five minutes before you finish ironing the clothes. Use the residual heat stored in the soleplate to finish the task.   

Best Selling Ironing Machine on the Market  

8. Seal Any Air Leaks   

When you feel a draft around the door flames or hear your windows whistling, it might be time to seal them properly. Air leaks can drain your electricity bill because your heater has to work harder to compensate for all the warm air lost through the gas around the windows and doors.   

To seal your doors and windows, invest in pressure-sensitive weather strips. They come in either rubber or plastic. These strips are fitted with an adhesive that sticks with ease to the frames of your doors or windows. When they are compressed, the weather strips act as a seal that prevents air from coming in or escaping.   

Also, pressure-sensitive weather strips offer a cushioning effect that prevents your doors or windows from slamming. To ensure optimal performance, the weather strips should be replaced every three years.   

9. Upgrade Your HVAC System  

If your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems are outdated, it might be time to replace them. Compared to new models, older models consume more energy, and they don’t do their job efficiently. Consider replacing the older HVAC systems with modern ones that are Energy Star-certified. These models are energy efficient and can reduce your annual electricity bills by nearly $140.

10 Use Solar Energy if Possible  

Solar energy is a cost-effective and sustainable way to reduce your home’s energy costs. When solar panels are installed on your roof, reliance on the grid is largely reduced. This can lead to substantial savings, especially during the sunny days when the solar panels produce the most energy.   

While the initial cost of installing the panels might be high, the solar panels will bring returns over time. Depending on the local energy rates, your location, and the size of the system, you might see a return on your investment within 6 to 10 years. Afterward, you will continue to save on electric bills for years to come, which can be 25 years or more. 

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